A digital office for the future of work, the solution for remote and hybrid teams
We challenge team leaders to earn the right to lead in ways that support their team.
We help remote and hybrid teams thrive and help team leaders manage with empathy where and when it matters to the team. A remote and hybrid work solution built to strengthen team connections, encourage healthy work habits, and where end-users can design their ideal work space and collaboration habits. Help your distributed teams be productive and engaged in an interactive digital office, the smart alternative to chat.

How good is your remote team spirit?
Is your remote team working like a dream or does it leave a lot up to hope and wishful thinking?
Take our 5-minute quiz to find out how you do.
Where you sit matters.
After years of working remotely we have grown tired of green status circles. Is your team even really there? We thought there should be a more efficient and meaningful way to communicate visually. So we built one. With My Digital Office remote teams can see, plan, and interact with each other like never before.

Improve Collaboration
Easily see where your coworkers are and who they’re working with on a daily basis. Jump into a quick meeting with one-click collaboration and presentation tools.
An Online Workplace: My Digital Office is a complete online digital workplace, with desks and meeting rooms. You get all of the benefits of having a brick-and-mortar office without needing one.
“I actually love this idea. I shared it last night at a company holiday party and everyone’s eyes lit up.”
-Jake, CRO Parrot QA
Increase Productivity
Access all of your organization’s tasks and documents in one place. You can always see what needs to be done and when.
See status, don’t ask for it: See current status and local time in just one glance. When your status changes, your avatar changes to match.
Everyone in the loop without all of the messaging: My Digital Office automates status and task management, so everyone is in the loop. Give your remote team the best balance of asynchronous and synchronous communication.
Teams see positive change when they work in My Digital Office.
“A true time saver”
“We love it”

Drive Engagement
If a teammate is left out of the loop they can start to feel disengaged. Working in a digital office gives your team members a shared view of progress and purpose.
Fast Collaboration
Join together in a video, whiteboard session, or working document with just one click.
“This has been an essential tool for my students to interact remotely.”
-Kiuchi, Lecture & Educator
Keep updated with our latest news!
In our news and blog section, we will keep you informed about the best practices for remote and hybrid teams, customer stories, fun things to do with your team, and practical how-to information on how to make the most out of your software.
Five Stereotypes of Remote Managers (Are You One of Them?)
These trends brought along new remote manager stereotypes encompassing different working and remote management styles.
How to Conquer the Problem of Remote Work Visibility
For every perk of remote working, there’s a downside. After all, it’s still a fresh concept for organisations, leaders, and…
4 Challenges of Managing Remote Teams (And Practical Solutions To Overcome Them)
Leading and managing remote and hybrid teams is tricky. It requires a whole new set of skills and trust from both the management and the employees.
Before and after My Digital Office.
Updated avatar
“When people work in offices, they leave at the end of the day. Sure, they may take some work home with them on occasion, but they physically remove themselves from their workplace.”
Careers – Abdullahi Muhammed
After MDO:
You can virtually leave your online office space. The visual queue of your avatar leaving, signals to your coworkers that you are done for the day.
Watercooler serendipity
“Watercooler serendipity can inspire the next big idea. In-person communication is better suited for “shower thoughts” and unplanned ideation. Some people refrain from sharing ideas in Slack..”
Remote CEO – Ryan Hoover
After MDO:
One-click meetings in a virtual space are key to recreating that special ‘Watercooler serendipity’.
Where you sit matters
“If you are the only remote worker in a large in-house team, it can be tricky to integrate yourself in company culture and be visible to management. This can affect long-term prospects if not managed correctly.”
Digital Marketer – James Rice
After MDO:
Where you sit matters. It determines who you mingle with, and how people find you. In many ways, it shapes your career.
Task completed
“I’m constantly asking if my actions contribute to my overall goals at my job. Talking to coworkers an hour a day on Slack is not bringing me closer to my goals.”
Productivity blogger – Darius Foroux
After MDO:
You do not need to chat about what you are doing when everyone can ‘see’ progress and status. Aha-moments seen not written: “Oh a task was completed!”, “Cool, Your avatar shows you are working on some code!”
An instant messaging platform
“[U]sually they have no idea on what’s going on and how to do this. This results in them using it as an instant messaging platform.”
Time Is Ltd. CEO – Jan Rezab
After MDO:
Staying connected is a challenge for large companies. By using MDO you will stay connected in a meaningful way by moving beyond chat with one-click video meetings in your virtual office space.
Team overview in an instant
“Applied to Slack, its greatest strength: amazing ease-of-use, is also its weakness: making it far too easy for everyone to default to using Slack for communicating, even for all the myriad of things that don’t make sense to use Slack to communicate,”
Software programmer – Alicia Liu
After MDO:
Before we used to have threads full of basic status updates, ‘I am sick’, ‘I am doing…. today’. Now just open up your office and see.
Productive tasks and social chat
“Because conversations in Slack happen on a one-way conveyor belt, our team began feeling like they had to stay constantly connected to keep up. This style of communication was especially problematic for a remote-first company like ours. How do you stay in the loop when earlier topics have already been discussed and are buried by the time you even wake up?”
DOIST – Amir Salihefendic
After MDO:
For issues that need persistance use the task board. For other issues that do not, use ephemeral room chat or a video meeting.
Focused work
“When I come in I used to check my emails. Now I wake up, open my phone to sort through a huge amount of conversation threads.”
Twitter User
After MDO:
Stop distractions and get some rest: this is when ‘Eureka’ moments happen. MDO will never have phone notifications, because they are disruptive to remote teams.
Privacy in chat
“What’s become clear from my years of using Slack at work is that it is, first and foremost, a tool of corporate surveillance. Slack stands for “Searchable Log of All Communication and Knowledge,” after all.”
Journalist – Monica Torres
After MDO:
Ephemeral messaging is the key to privacy. In MDO only people in the same room at the same time can see your chat messages. This is the way it works in real life, and it is effective at keeping information private.